Tactical portable FRA1530T antenna designed for multi frequency medium range communication. For installation as flat top, inverted"V", delta or sloper. Easy to install by one person. Construction for any climate use. Low weight, small size 35x15x15 cm. Recommended antenna height 5 meters or more. The FRA1530T antenna can be used also as dipole for fixed frequency, at the same time with separate transceiver and separate coaxial
cable with BNC termination. The choice of fixed frequency using dipole function and wire lenght is up to user. Balun transformer is fitted into the bottom of central rod in order to completely SO239 connector. och The antennas low VSWR ratio (Depending upon installation) means it can be used for military or commercionaly available transceivers for radiocommunication.
The antenna`s keys performance and other parameters show that each antenna is more or less dependent on the natural earth resistance at every new point of installation including electrical and geodetic physical characters. The antenna gives also the advantage of EMI rejecton greater than conventional dipole and other antennas on different frequencies.
The antenna-system`s parameters means that VSWR and efficiency remain within approved limits. No antenna tuner required. Color: olive green, tan, neutral or uncoloured on request. Antennas performance has been tested by Aerotech Telub laboratory, Sweden.
Operating range
1,8 - 30 MHz
See chart (Depending upon installation)
50 Ohm
Termination Broadband
Termination Dipole
Antenna width
30 meters
Total wire length
61 meters
Antenna weight
2,3 kg
Total weight
3,1 kg (fully equipped)
Antenna FRA1530T can be delivered on request with ACCESSORIES as follow:
Central antenna rod
Coaxial cable 20 meters with PL-connectors
Suspension nylon lines 2x10 meters and 1x20 meters on drum
Casting weight. 50 meters nylon wire on drum
Antenna wire 60 meters with hooks and connectors on drum